
Angular JS

ANGULARJS Master Course
Duration: 45 Days (Daily 1½ Hours) Prerequisites to Join Angular js

If you want to learn a fast, easy and rewarding way to create web applications after the Angular 7 Training, then this course is a right choice for you. In this course we cover latest version of Angular. It is an open source JavaScript framework for creating dynamic UI of web apps. The framework is widely used for building single-page web application fast. This structural framework allows you to extend HTML vocabulary for your web application along-with Model View Controller (MVC) capabilities. It is fully extendible and works well with other libraries too. DIIT is one of the leading web designing and development institute is offering an intense course of Angular that is “Angular Master”. In your UI development training you will learn how to bootstrap your Angular application, understanding MVC architecture, how to use Angular markup and expressions, use built-in services & create custom services, use of routing to turn apps into a SPA (Single Page Application) etc. After an overview of environment setup and MVC architecture, you'll get to grips with the more complex attributes of Angular, including modules and dependency injection, controllers, expressions, directives, scopes, filter, routing, and two-way data binding. We are one of the best advanced Angular training institutes in Rajasthan. This short-term certificate course in Angular from our institute has been especially customized for web designers and UI developers who want to do an advanced and professional level training in advanced Angular but have basic knowledge of JavaScript.

Prerequisites to Join Angular Course

  • Individuals sound understanding of web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3 etc. is a must

  •  Knowledge of JavaScript 

  • Good understanding of the Document Object Model (DOM)

  •  Good command over JavaScript's functions, events, and error handling

  • Object Oriented Concepts of JavaScript

    Semesters and Modules
    Setting Up Angular

  • ES6 JavaScript & TypeScript: An Overview

  • Setup and Installation of Angular CLI

    Important Components

  • Architecting with Components

  • Templates, Styles, and View Encapsulation

  •  Content Projection

  • Lifecycle Hooks ViewChildren & ContentChildren

    Overview of Built-in Directives

  • NgFor

  •  NgIf and NgSwitch

  • NgStyle and NgClass

  •  NgNonBindable Structural Directives

    Working with Custom Directives

  • Creating Custom Angular Directives

  • Using HostListener & HostBinding Inputs & Configuration

    Introduction to Pipes and Customizations

  • Built-in Pipes and their parameters

  • Understand and utilize Async Pipe Custom Pipes

    Overview of Forms

  • Model Driven Forms

  •  Model Driven Form Validation

  •  Submitting and Resetting

  •  Reactive Model Form Template Driven Forms

    Dependency Injection (DI), Services, and Providers

  • Injectors 

  • Provider

  •  Tokens

  •  Services

  •  Configuring Dependency Injection in Angular

  • NgModule.providers vs Component.providers vs Component.viewProviders

    Angular Animations
    Routing and Navigation in Angular

  • Introduction to Route Configuration

  •  Working with Navigation

  •  Parametrized Routes and Nested Routes 

  • Router Guards

  • Routing Strategies

    Unit Testing Best Practices

  • Jasmine & Karma 

  • Testing Angular App

  • Creating Custom Tests

    Deploying an Angular App
    Build Apps with Angular

  • Setting up deep linking

  •  Wiring up a second partial

  •  Creating details template

  •  Adding navigation to details page

  •  Angular animation events

  • Setting up the routing

    Career Options after Completion of Angular Course
    Angular Developers, Single Page Application (SPA) UI Developer, Angular Specialist, Front End Developer etc.
